تشکر و قدردانی
نویسنده از نظرات ریچارد (تد) بیرمن1 (شرکت بیر راک2)، پیتر پلویس3 (پالمینکو4)، ایوان داگلاس5 (ترنسمین6)، مارک مکوی7 و جوئل بروکت8 (MMD)، و استیو باند9 و فیل مالکاهی10 (FLSmidth ABON)، قدردانی میکند.
Boyd, K., and Utley, R.W. 2002. In-pit crushing design and layout considerations. In Mineral Processing Plant Design, Practice, and Control. 9ol. 1. Edited by A.L. Mular, D.N. Halbe, and D.J. Barrett. Littleton, CO SME. pp. 0 – 20.
Cohen, S.M., and Porter, E.S. 1986. Hydraulic roll crusher. Presented at the AIME/SME Fall Meeting Technical Session, St. Louis, MO, September 8.
Flynn, B. 1988. The concept of primary rock sizing. Quarry Manage. 15 (7): 29–31.
Good, T., and Zimmerman, J. 2014. DRC1200 hard rock sizer a twin roll sizer designed for mobility. SME Preprint 1o. 14-021. Englewood, CO SME.
Morrison, D., and Lourel, I. 2009. In-pit crushing and conveying. Presented at the Iron Ore Conference, Perth, Western Australia, July 19–27.
Szczelina, P., Drescher, F., and Silbermann, F. 2017. Compact, robust and high performance-New ERC25-25 eccentric roll crusher revolutionizes primary crushing in underground mines. AT Miner. Process. 58(May) 62–72.
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